Tag Archives: litespeed

Chocolate Covered Bacon, Miles of Beer Miles, PR’s and NEW BIKE DAY!

Inappropriate, I know, to neglect anything for 5 months. It’s been a while since I’ve punched the keys to this page, and that’s something I’m trying to keep on top of, especially now that the season is underway and things are getting serious (not to mention upping the ‘fun factor!’) So, in light of an entire childhood filled with ADHD, and an attention span that could rival a goldfish on a good day, I figured I’d get up to date on all the races (experience and something I learned from each) as well as the exciting happenings since September, but something that you could read over the course of a latte (extra hot I might add, there needs to be SOME substance in my updates!) I like to think this is the ‘long Cliff-Notes’ version of the last few months:

Continue reading Chocolate Covered Bacon, Miles of Beer Miles, PR’s and NEW BIKE DAY!

Off-Season Update #1: Pinetree Classic XC Race, New Bike Day, and More!

An iron distance race takes a long time. Even at the top level, it’s still an 8+hr race. It’s a kind of pain and suffering that is much much deeper than the cardiovascular system; it breaks you down deep, right to the bone. That’s why the offseason is a great chance to work on much shorter, higher intensity (not to mention SUPER FUN) races such as cross-country running and cyclocross races. These short races really help work on your running and cycling technique, as well as your top-end speed and power in both disciplines. Nothing hurts more than breathing through your eyeballs for 5-8km XC trail running races! It’s a leg-burning, lung-bursting experience, that can be a lot of fun, and a great way to prepare for next year’s race season. Continue reading Off-Season Update #1: Pinetree Classic XC Race, New Bike Day, and More!