The San Gil Golf Club makes a perfect venue for a world-class event!
One of the things I love about triathlon is the challenge of racing my guts out for 4 hours over three different sports. A bit of a sucker for punishment, I prefer to race those courses that are made even more difficult due to their terrain or location (such as Wildflower.) Continue reading Challenge San Gil Race Report: Running out of Real Estate→
Wildflower holds a special place in my heart. When I first started triathlon, I got really into the documentary ‘What it Takes,’ featuring some incredible professional triathletes, including legendary Canadians Peter Reid, Lori Bowden, and Heather Fuhr. I would watch that documentary before every race (even my sister remembers this,) and would frequently watch it while on the trainer. Continue reading Wildflower Race Recap: When in Doubt, Ride it Out!→
Just STOKED to survive last month’s Ironman Canada
Last month, on July 26th, I raced in my only 2015 iron distance race, at Ironman Canada. It’s a day that I care not to remember, leaving me with a new pain threshold for cold weather; after suffering through hypothermia on the bike, I somehow managed to soldier on and finish the race, 6th overall and top Canadian. When people ask me what it was like out there, I simply tell them this: imagine it’s 8C out, pouring rain harder than you’ve ever seen it (and it rains A LOT in Vancouver,) you’re driving on the highway, sitting on the roof of your car, and you’re naked. Very, very naked. And you’re driving fast. Continue reading A little overdone: Challenge Penticton Race Recap→
High in the sky. Far above my normal. You’re my mistress. People don’t see you, but I know you’re there. Every time I think about you, my heart beats a little faster. Even when I don’t, my subconscious knows, and up my heart rate climbs. When I push a little too hard, my breathe, you take it away. Away from me. You keep it for yourself. You’re a selfish mistress. You have no emotions. You take all my heart beats away without a second thought. No thoughts. Just the constant quiet reminder of your existence. No one around me realizes you’re there. Sneaking through my day, you dodge all your familiar faces, and come after mine. Continue reading Challenge San Gil Race Recap: Banking Heartbeats at 6500ft→
Hey hey Team! Long time since we met last! Thanks for tuning in to the latest edition of the blog, sure to inspire at least one laugh and a few odd photos of a moustache doing crazy things!
Yes, I know, very Cliché. But, some days, when you’re just having one of those days, you need to just push through the duff and keep smiling. Yesterday was the first day of camp here in Tucson. As I woke up to sunny skies and warm temperatures, I proceeded to down my favourite morning beverage – the ‘ambition enhancer’ known as coffee – and started pulling my bike apart to get out on the roads. As I put it on the stand, I noted what I thought was some goo on the front fork. As I went in for a closer inspection, I immediately had a rush of adrenaline push through my body.
“Oh Shit.”
Yeah, oh shit is right. Due to some incredible forces during loading/unloading of the bike during flight, the front fork was shattered through-and-through. After 8 years with this bike case, and what was going to be my last trip with it – a new Rüster Sports Armoured Hen House will be on it’s way to me, huge thanks to the lovely folks at RaceQuest Travel for setting it up – this is the first ever damage incurred. I’ve lent this bag to numerous people, and nobody has ever had damage to their bikes either. What a shame it had to go out on a bad note.
The PRsix all snuggled up in it’s home for the next few hours!
After the adrenaline started hit, and managing to avoid the “3 P’s of and Emergency” – Panic, Puke, & Pass Out – I immediately began to think of ways to repair the situation. The fork is toast, that’s for sure. I needed a new one. So I started conversation with United Airlines to attempt to remedy the cost part of the situation. That went far better than expected, and after a trip to the Tucson Airport, I had a damage report with instructions to replace the fork and bring the bill for reimbursement. I’m a little cautious with my applause, as I don’t have anything reimbursed yet, but I do have to give kudos to United for making it somewhat seamless, with very friendly and empathetic employees willing to help me the best they could.
The next conundrum? The bike isn’t rideable. So, I know is a Quintana Roo dealer, and figured a trip over to their Tucson Retail Store might bear some fruit. I had a plan A, Plan B, and Plan C in my mind as ways to remedy the situation. What I didn’t a for was the incredible generosity I would encounter, along with a Plan D that proved to be the best plan of all for the short term.
You see, Quintana Roo had a whole bunch of PRsix rental bikes at Ironman Arizona, whereafter they sent them to Trisports for storage and to be rented out by the anyone who needed a bike. Luckily for me, they had my exact bike sitting in the back, and generously offered to lend it to me for the duration of my camp, or until QR could send me a new fork. I mean, I was pretty much a stranger to these folks, but they’ve lent me an incredibly expensive über-bike, much to my elation.
I have to give a massive thanks to Susan and the folks at the Tucson Trisports store, they essentially saved my camp, and a few hours later I was back on the roads, dialling in the fit of the PRsix (which is incredibly easy thanks to a simple shim/spacer system for the integrated stem!) She rolls like a dream, stops on a dime, and even with some legit crosswinds, I wasn’t buffeted around too much on the carbon clincher Reynolds Strike aero wheels (standard on the PRsix models.)
First Ride in Tucson!!!
This situation is an example that just staying calm and thinking your issue through can come out with a timely result to the problem. Next time the shit hits the fan, just stop and think for a second. It can do you wonders.
It’s time for me to fold the laptop up and get out there for some more miles. It’s a sunny day in Tucson, and after running across a fellow juggling bowling pins on a unicycle last night, I feel like things are going to be a-okay. Have a safe one everyone, happy miles!
Inappropriate, I know, to neglect anything for 5 months. It’s been a while since I’ve punched the keys to this page, and that’s something I’m trying to keep on top of, especially now that the season is underway and things are getting serious (not to mention upping the ‘fun factor!’) So, in light of an entire childhood filled with ADHD, and an attention span that could rival a goldfish on a good day, I figured I’d get up to date on all the races (experience and something I learned from each) as well as the exciting happenings since September, but something that you could read over the course of a latte (extra hot I might add, there needs to be SOME substance in my updates!) I like to think this is the ‘long Cliff-Notes’ version of the last few months:
What a weekend of eye-opening experiences!! As I said in my last post, the offseason is a GREAT time to try new things that can increase your strength for the upcoming triathlon season. Doing things other than the usual swim, bike, and run can also be a big cup of mental refreshment through the fall/winter. This past weekend I tried a few new things that not only had my adrenaline flowing all weekend, but tested my cycling and running skills. Continue reading 4 Races in 40 Hours: Track Cycling, XC Running, and Cyclocross→
An iron distance race takes a long time. Even at the top level, it’s still an 8+hr race. It’s a kind of pain and suffering that is much much deeper than the cardiovascular system; it breaks you down deep, right to the bone. That’s why the offseason is a great chance to work on much shorter, higher intensity (not to mention SUPER FUN) races such as cross-country running and cyclocross races. These short races really help work on your running and cycling technique, as well as your top-end speed and power in both disciplines. Nothing hurts more than breathing through your eyeballs for 5-8km XC trail running races! It’s a leg-burning, lung-bursting experience, that can be a lot of fun, and a great way to prepare for next year’s race season. Continue reading Off-Season Update #1: Pinetree Classic XC Race, New Bike Day, and More!→
In 2013 I didn’t have a great day at Challenge Penticton. In fact, due to seemingly endless mechanical issues, I didn’t even make it to the finish line (the details HERE.) I vowed to come back in 2014 to get across the finish line, and that I achieved! Unfortunately, getting to the finish line didn’t quite pan out how I had hoped…..
Handing out medals for the Fun Run 5k and Kids Race, in usual fine form, with Jeff and Karen.